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Other Services

  1.  Cash machines are located at:
  • Mountainside Vacation Villas Recreation Centre
  • Fairmont Hot Springs Lodge
  • Farside Inn Pub & Eatery
  • Gas Plus
  • Hoodoos Mountain Resort/Centex Gas
  • Mountainside Market
  • Riverside Clubhouse    

   2.  Post Office

  • Fairmont Hot Springs’ Canada Post outlet is located in the Mountainside Market (grocery store).  Full postal services are available Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm – excluding holidays.

3.  Spark Electric Vehicle Share

  • Spark is the first fully 100% electric vehicle share program in rural Canada and serves as an integral step towards transitioning Columbia Valley communities to low-carbon transportation use. This is your car rental option for Invermere and the rest of the Columbia Valley.


4. Dara’s Dolphins Transportation Services Ltd – Transportation services offered throughout the Regional District of East Kootenay.